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Violet Eyes Turns Brighter

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Saturday, May 22, 2010 10:47 PM

Yeah I was goldilocks for Cosplay on Friday. We were told about it on the same week which left us with a few days to prepare. Basically, 2 people are selected from each class to perform. At first, they chose Pamela and while discussing about what storybook character she should be, Goldilocks came into my mind and so I suggested not knowing that I would get trapped in my own voice -.-

So with help from everyone, I was able to get the 4th place! The best part of this whole thing was the backstage simply because we had so much fun there. Axl made fun of me because of my hair :'( so I threatened to pour powder on him and guess what Liyana did? She took my powder and poured it over him! ahahahahaha that was a funny scene.

Oh and during the performance, when i went on stage, I think I was too dramatic when I said "this chair is too big! this chair is too big too!" but no-one said anything about that. I looked around at everyone in the audience and caught sight of him. He was looking down like WTF!!!! It's like I don't know if I was too ugly or something because my friends complimented me saying that I looked great (which I really don't think so) and so after my performance, I broke down. I know that it is "stupid" and "baseless" to cry over such a thing but anyways thank you Liyana for comforting me. Please do not have the perception if I tell you that  I am crazy because I really feel like laughing real hard right now. why?  I don't know

Anyways, I would like to thank the following people for making my win possible:
Liyana : Thank you for helping out in carrying the chair out to the stage. I'm sorry for the embarrassment you might have felt. I would also like to thank you for being there for me at all times when I needed you and when you comforted me. Perhaps that is why you are my best friend.
Nisha: Thank you for helping out in carrying the chairs too and I'm sorry for the embarrassment you might have felt while putting the chairs on stage. Thank you for brainstorming solutions when I had problems with the "chair" thing.
Pamela: Thank you for your hair straightener though I must apologize because I did not use it. :)
Suli: Thank you for straightening my hair during Literature class. I'm sure it was really hard to straighten my curly hair, an almost impossible task.
and lastly, 2/2 for supporting! :D

Oh and I forgot one more... 
I know it is super weird but thank you Sorfina and Axl for talking-talking on stage although we should have stood quietly waiting for the winners names to be announced. It relieved the nervousness and stage-fright I had. :)

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Great day

Saturday, May 8, 2010 3:39 AM

Well I have had a great day so far. yesterday after art exam, me, Kimberley and Xin yee went to West Cost Plaza to be our "mimis" a gift on Mothers' Day (which is today). We walked, we shopped, and of-course we ate. I bought mimi Merci chocolate. Caused me a lum-sum of $20 but it is worth it because I will gulp it down in the end. I bought her a card too. The best part about the card? Well it is the price. When I bought the card, I didn't look at the price and all those damn stuff but when I went home to wrap my gift and write on my card, I realized thgat it caused be $8!! Cheater-Bug! But why is it expensive anyways? Simply because its from Hallmark (the hallmark channel) and it is made in U.S.A -.-lll

So, about the food, we ate at West Coast cafe, at West Coast Plaza. I bought myself Mee Goreng. It cost me $4 but it looked like $8 and yes it was THAT much. Ended up taking it away. While eating, guess who we met.

Lead actress of "sayang-sayang" and many more.

All thanks to Kimberley who spotted her. We were noticing another lady who looked like a celebrity by the way she dressed. I didn'y notice Michelle Chong at all. So yeah I got her autograph on a paper that Kimberly cut a heart out from. So basically we didn't waste paper and it was amazing. I'll scan it on my next post but I can recall some thing she wrote. She wrote, " Study hard and play hard!".  There is definitely somemore but I simply can't recall. (her autograph inspired me to keep a scrapbook) ( don't laugh. not funny)

After West Coast Plaza, followed Mimi to the clinic at Outram park but before that while waiting for the bus at my area, I met some peeps from my school. Why were they there when I was under-dressed!?!!

Its always the case. When you dress up well wearing belt and shining eye catching accessories, you don't meet anyone but when you wear a plain dress with nothing else, people start bombing in. What is this man?!
 Anyways, while I was boarding the bus, I saw Mr King. He was on the phone and as I went up the bus, he kept on moving to another side of the bus stop. -.- On the other hand, I saw a FERRARI while I was on the bus. I got all emotional again, thinking about owning it and small kids saying "woah!" and yes I know that you are probably thinking that I am crazy. -.-

After going to the clinic, we went to Vivocity to get her new phone. Its not really new. Its an old model but she wanted the cheapest after all because Starhub only gave $50. So we got a Nokia phone that looks like a Blackberry. It is E63. After failing to convince my mum to buy an iphone, we went to Figs and Olive. Is it Swiss food? Anyways, it was nice!

Well that is all for this post. Till after my exams!

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Saturday, April 24, 2010 10:27 AM

Wow... I'm blogging after many weeks and I guess I have my laziness to blame. A lot has happened between this long vacation from blogging. Most are good. I have started talking to him. More like he has started talking to me but I can't reveal much because I have a fear in my heart. We decided that friendship is the best option because relationships don't last as long as friendships do and please do not have the perception that we will become a couple later on because I doubt it.

Other than that, I can reveal something about something else.. Liyana and I are friends again. It all started on my birthday when she wished me and apologized via e-mail. I guess everyone wanted that to happen.

Honestly, I feel that my wishes came true. When I blowed out the candles of my cake, I had 2 wishes. Since they have come true, I thought that I should reveal them.

  1.  I wished that an angel in form of a human be by my side at all times and listen to my crap stories, defend me, and do all the fun that friends have together. What made me wish this? It is obviously because I was lonely because of the tiff I had with Liyana. I guess rain was one of the major factors involved because it was raining for the past few days that time and I always ended up walking alone.. on my own and wished that I had a friend to get wet in the rain with. 

  2. I also wished that he would like me and talk to me because I felt very upset that I had strong feelings for him for over a year and he didn't even know who I was. But I guess he started to take notice when most of my friends most probably approached him because almost my whole choir, student council and whole class know about it. 
and we are just friends so stop ooo and lalaing. I'm serious. Because friendship lasts forever and "BGR" doesn't.

Other than all that, mid-year-exams are right at the corner and so everyone's getting all busy and all. Especially art. All I gotta say is that teachers are making me hate art. That's all.

Lastly, have you heard "airplanes" by B.O.B ft Hayley Williams form Paramore and Eminem? I have been replaying that song over and over again. I guess that's why the picture on my post is that of an airplane. ;)
( p.s. the song is on my blog. turn the volume up.. wakakakaka ;) )

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waga waga bak bak

Saturday, March 27, 2010 10:22 PM

Well nothing much has happened lately. Well actually, "alot" has but I don't really think that I should elaborate.
The only interesting thing that happened was the death of Fatimah. Actually, she didn't die because I saw her on a car yesterday. Maybe cats really do have nine lives but perhaps, it might have all just been a misunderstanding. Well you see, I was going down the staircase with my mother and we saw Fatimah "sleeping" but the position that she was in made my say that "the cat is dead" and "the body looks pretty stiff". My mum was so worried to the extent that she called the Town Council and asked them to clear "the dead cat".

Other than the cat, the next thing that I can think of is the holidays which was in March. Went to Melacca (as usual) to attend a wedding actually. But the main reason for me going there was not the wedding but of course the hotel! We stayed at Holiday Inn this time and we sure did use the facilities well. We used the pool (of course la) and THE GYM! wooohooo. That was my first time using a gym and it was pretty interesting testing the machines. Cuzzy didn't allow me to carry the weights at the weights section because she doesn't want me to have Salman Khan muscles.

I wore my class t-shirt for breakfast at the hotel. Wow I represent my class overseas too?

The wedding? Like normal malay weddings with all the kumpang and all and when they wanted to invite my aunt and uncle on stage to take photo with the couple the said "(name) and (name) from Singapore, please come on stage to have a picture with the bride and groom." It was like I was representing my country or something.

so yeah that is all the "nothing much" that has happened. Till the next post. Chao

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This is the story

Saturday, March 13, 2010 10:12 AM

I deleted my previous posts because I felt that they sucked a whole lotta shit.  Yeah so had the Parent-Teacher -Conference for the sec fours, fives and ones. Pretty tiring cuz we had to stand outside the classrooms to assist the teachers. It was also a night I would never forget. (dot dot dot)

It was a pretty fun experience as we sorta learned how to handle parents and so on but the only problem I faced was FOOD! Well we definitely were very hungry from standing for many hours with our whole body aching. Some of them said that there was some food left and that Mr Kenny said that we could have them. And yes of course we ran for it to discover that all the food trays were empty. -.-ll

I went back to my duty area to find that almost everyone had disappeared and just stood there doing my duty alone when Armaine said that there was food in the hall. I reached the hall to discover that everyone was happily eating like WOW. So yeah had the food with everyone and to my surprise, it tasted quite good!

So duty ended and I headed for home with Armaine and a few other when my I met with the biggest shock of my life. It was just that "so" shocking that I couldn't control myself and broke down. You know, I think my reaction to the words my friend said about "something" was like 0.00000001 seconds? Yeah I made up an excuse and lied to my friends but before meeting my friends in the bus, I promised myself that no-one will know anything about my life and what happened and that I will continue smiling and continue my "happy go lucky"-ness

It just didn't strike my mind. I can't blame anyone but myself and my heart. I knew that I should have looked in the mirror a thousand times before making a decision to fall in love. I should have reminded myself that "hey you are ugly and he is like wow".

I just can't believe it when Sorfina told me that I am beautiful and that I don't need to do anything to myself. Even Anh said that I have beautiful eyes. I'm not self-praising myself. I just can't believe these words and I'm sure most of you don't too. I have so many thing to express right now but I guess I'll have to stop or else my blog post would be like a novel.

Lets hope for the best.

Oh yeah. One more thing. My class was the champion class for the lower secondary. Yay 2/2!
